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Elisabeth Jerichau Baumann The Stocking Mender 1868

Explore the collections of


Historical Paintings

Baraset House Fine Art Gallery is a dealer in Historical Paintings from the 16th to 20th century, with a focus on Female Artists, Important Historical Portraiture,

Provenance & the History of our Sitters.

We offer a finely curated selection of Old Masters,

19th century works of art, Early Scottish Impressionists,

Female Masterworks, Canadian Impressionists

& Modern British Masters, focusing on works with outstanding Exhibition History and Provenance, including Works of Art formerly in Royal & Nobel Collections.

Our current stock includes such celebrated artists as:

John Thomas Seton self portra

A Fragile Legacy: early Arita porcelain 

Baraset House Fine Arts specializes in early Japanese porcelain from the seventeeth-century kilns of Arita.

These museum quality pieces include rare and fine examples of Shoki-Imari, Ko-Imari, Ko-Kutani, Ai-Kutani, Kakiemon, Ai-Kakiemon,

and Arita Export pieces based upon European forms.

The Canadian Impressionists

Discover the illuminating art of The Canadian Impressionist school and the early avante-garde artists of Canada,

with a focus on female Canadian painters and pioneering artists

who lit up the Canadian art scene in the first half of the twentieth century.